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FAQ & Tips

Email or SMS? Which one should I use?

Ambassadors can search for Providers and Customers using either their email or mobile numbers. However, only email will be used as a unique identifier during registration. Ambassadors are advised to reserve the Prospect's email and mobile numbers at once. If either the email or the mobile number is listed in an active Invitation, the Prospect's account will be linked to the Ambassador ID.

Is my work protected?

The Ambassador Portal will reserve the Prospect's email for at least 14 days* from the date when the Invitation was sent. If the Prospect registers as a Provider or a Customer within that period, their account will be associated with the Ambassador's ID.

If the email reservation expires, any Ambassador can send a new Invitation to the Prospect. However, the new Prospect's account may still be associated with the Ambassador who sends the most recent Invitation. The Invitation Expiry period is currently restricted to 60 days.

*The minimum reservation term is 14 calendar days. Service Universe reserves the right to extend the term in some instances for promotional purposes.

How to follow-up with Prospects?

Pro Tip: Follow-up messages are restricted while the email or mobile number is still reserved. The portal records the exact moment the invitation was sent. Track your activity and send follow-up messages as soon as the previous invitation is deemed expired.

How to keep track of Ambassador activities?

Pro Tip: Tracking your activity is a vital part of the job. We suggest logging at least the following information for each prospect: Type of prospect (Pro or User), email addresses and mobile numbers, date and time of the invitation, and current reservation period.*

*Ambassadors should refrain from collecting or sharing any sensitive or personal information on behalf of Service Universe. Please consult the Privacy Policy for any questions or concerns.

How can I confirm that my Prospect has signed up?

Pro-Tip: It's quite simple. Regularly search for the Prospect's email. If you see "This Phone number is already assigned to an existing Member. Please try another number!", you've done a great job. Congratulations!